Independent Learning
In partnership with the highly acclaimed MindEdge Learning, you can select online courses from over 200 different topics that are the most applicable for you and your situation. This system allows you the freedom to purchase and complete these courses on your own schedule. Most courses allow at least 60 days of access to complete the course. The interactive courses provide a mix of learning methods, including reading, quizzes, problem solving, and video clips. Many courses are eligible for CEU, CPFA, and ACPFA points.
Focus on Microsoft Excel Enhance your knowledge and skills with the powerful Excel applications. Whether you've never used it before or absolutely use it for everything, there's an online class to help you learn more. Click on the links to go straight to the following sessions that are only $79 each!

- Browse the complete catalog of online learning: click here.
- For an overview of all courses with CEU, CPFA, and ACPFA point values, click here.
- No risk: if you purchase a course that isn't quite what you expected, simply request a refund within five days of purchase; however, no more than ten percent of the course can be viewed to be eligible for a refund.
- Members receive a 10% discount on all MindEdge training courses. Fill out this quick form to verify your membership and have the discount code emailed to you. If you'd like to become a member to receive this discount (and many other benefits!) contact us or join APT US&C.